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Wow is one of the most popular MMORG. I played World of Warcraft for 2 years. I think I am a smart player for I level fast in the game. My role is a Paladin. Many friends told me that to level a Paladin is difficult. Now I would like share my experience to the new beginner. I earn lots of wow gold. I hit level 75 fast. Hope my tips can help the new players level fast.
It is always very difficult for wow gamers who are charged with the world of Warcraft Paladin to reach level 80 at a fast rate. Whether it's on account of all the information you have reserved, the scarcity of abilities at lower levels or anything else, you can put through wasting hours of play time. All you demand is a little assistance and your world of warcraft paladin will be standing in TOC in no time. You can commence by taking advantage of the Protection talent build. It will prompt you to get ahead through the match much easier, and drop the redundant death count. Subjoin 5 points to Divine Strength, 1 point to Divinity and move up to the next level. Learn by heart you will be at level 16 until the time you have finished here.
Place 5 skill points in the expected ability and 2 points in the defender’s assistance. You will be at level 23 till you have done with the second level. Throughout these levels your world of warcraft paladin will enjoy a 15% strength increase, additional 5% dodge rating, healing bonuses and reductions on the Hand of Protection and Freedom.
Move close to the third, fourth and fifth lines. Then 3 points in the Improved Righteous Fury and 5 points in Toughness will place to you before getting to the fourth line. You only need to put 3 points in the Improved Devotion Aura. At the fourth line you can switch on the Blessing of Sanctuary ability. The ability will give you a number of benefits      Max put up the rest of the abilities between lines six through 11, unless you only need 1 point in Spiritual Attunement. Also, you can leave blank the judgements of the Just.
You should have spent 51 skill points on this talent build and your world of warcraft paladin should have reached level 60.
Now move to the Retribution tree. Here you will place all 5 points to the Deflection ability. This will lay on your world of warcraft paladin an additional 5% subjoined your Parry rating. You will spend the rest of your talent points in the Holy talent tree.Put 5 points in the Spiritual Focus ability, 5 points in Divine Intellect, 2 points in Unyielding Faith, 1 point in Aura Mastery, and 2 points in Improved Lay on Hands.In the end your world of warcraft paladin will be square away for everything ahead as long as you hit level 80.  If you want level fast and don’t have the time to play game, then buy wow gold is necessary. You should choose a reliable website to buy cheap wow gold.
My cousin recommends MMOXE to me. MMOXE has far ahead of the peer being with its high quality, efficient, secure and safe service. You can have a try. Finally, do remember that stronger weapons, more powerful armor, level your skills up and learn trade skills are the basic you need. Enjoy the happy time of playing wow.   

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